Omainda ga gundike aahogololi aanuulema
Aataleli yomahogololo ya kwandjangele kombinga yaahogololi aanuulema
Ongundu yooahenda yuuthemba womuntu oya nyenyetele olutuwiliki lwomahogololo sho lwa ndopa okukwashilipaleka pomahala gokuhogololela konyala oopelesenda 58% opuuwanawa naanuulema mesiku lyomahogololo.
Aanuulema oyendji oya thigwa taya ipolithile yoyene pomahala gokuhogololela mesiku lyomahogololo, aataleli yomahogololo yoSouthern Africa Human Rights Lawyers (SAHRL) ya hokolola
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Namibian Sun
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