EDITORIAL: Namibia’s fallen women
The scourge of young local women selling themselves for sex online is a serious indictment of the hardships the country is experiencing. Unlike the old street prostitution, sex is now at the tips of your fingers, through one-stop-shop online platforms where all sorts of steamy services are offered.
So dangerous is it that even sex without a condom is in the offing. Many who spoke to Namibian Sun in an article published on 5 July said economic hardships forced their hand into the pockets of willing buyers for their sordid services.
Others pointed a finger at politicians, who consistently told young people to employ themselves. Whether they are making a meal out of such statements to justify their ungodly acts, time will be the judge.
The truth is that sex work is not gainful employment, no matter the liberal narratives that are disseminated to shield this nefarious conduct.
There is no prosperity in sex work. Yes, those involved could afford groceries for a day and a few units to keep the lights on, but there will be no growth emanating from that. The biggest outcome of their acts is diseases and illegitimate pregnancies. Also when one sleeps with drunk, bad-breathed, sweaty men for a dime, mental health issues will inevitably trickle in.
In Namibia, some of the youngsters who are selling themselves just want to fund their pretentious lifestyles. Others indulge in this to fight genuine poverty. But whatever the reasons are, the bottom line is that prostitution is a repression of women, who are often uneducated and impoverished.
So dangerous is it that even sex without a condom is in the offing. Many who spoke to Namibian Sun in an article published on 5 July said economic hardships forced their hand into the pockets of willing buyers for their sordid services.
Others pointed a finger at politicians, who consistently told young people to employ themselves. Whether they are making a meal out of such statements to justify their ungodly acts, time will be the judge.
The truth is that sex work is not gainful employment, no matter the liberal narratives that are disseminated to shield this nefarious conduct.
There is no prosperity in sex work. Yes, those involved could afford groceries for a day and a few units to keep the lights on, but there will be no growth emanating from that. The biggest outcome of their acts is diseases and illegitimate pregnancies. Also when one sleeps with drunk, bad-breathed, sweaty men for a dime, mental health issues will inevitably trickle in.
In Namibia, some of the youngsters who are selling themselves just want to fund their pretentious lifestyles. Others indulge in this to fight genuine poverty. But whatever the reasons are, the bottom line is that prostitution is a repression of women, who are often uneducated and impoverished.
Namibian Sun
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